Damp-proof Coatings Treatments – Toner Dampproofing Supplies, supplying the industries most effective products to the DIY, public & commercial companies.  Please visit Damp-proof Coatings Treatments, If you require further information or would like to place an order please visit our sister company website, where you can submit your query or place an order.

Are you looking for a specialist contractor to install these products? Contact us on the contact us page.

Drybase Liquid-Applied DPM is a paintable damp-proof membrane that can be used in many situations including, but not limited to:

Damp-proofing laminate floors, Damp-proofing screeded floors, Damp-proofing floor/wall junctions & Isolating timber joists.

Drybase ECS Epoxy Floor Coatings for damp proofing floors and walls. Applied by brush or roller to provide protective coating that can easily be cleaned. Once painted on, Drybase ECS Epoxy Floor Coating provides resistance to oils and greases.A two component extended epoxy high build coating characterised by its inbuilt flexibility, excellent adhesion and resistance to water and a wide range of chemicals. Drybase ECS CR Epoxy Coating will successfully protect concrete structures including abutments, wing walls and bearing shelves, drainage channels, bunds and tanks.